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张仲华 教授

发布日期:2023-03-24 16:03  来源:伟德bv1946






2008.7-至今 在bv伟德国际1946工作







1.Zhang Zhonghua,Peng Jigen. A SIRS epidemic model with infection-age dependence. J. Math. Anal. Appl.,331(2007)1396-1414. IDS Number: 158VG.

2. Zhang Zhonghua, Zhang Juan, Peng Jigen. Analysis of a periodic bacteria-immunity system with delayed quorum sensing. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 6(2007):337-351. IDS number:248CK.

3. Zhang Zhonghua, Peng Jigen, Zhang Juan. Analysis of a bacteria-immunity model with delay quorum sensing. J. Math. Appl Anal.,340(2008):102-115. IDS Number: 258IB.

4. Zhang Zhonghua, Peng Jigen, Zhang Juan. Analysis of a periodic bacteria-immunity model with delayed quorum sensing. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56 (2008):2834-2847.Accession number:084411674826. IDS Number:378XF.

5. Zhang Zhonghua, Peng Jigen. Singular perturbation approach to stability of a SIRS epidemic system, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application, 10(2009):2688-2699. IDS number: 447KR. Accession number:20091612035641.

6. Zhang Zhonghua, Peng Jigen, Zhang Juan. Melnikov method to a bacteria-immunity model with bacterial quorum sensing mechanism. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 40(2009): 414-420. Accession number: 20091712048241. IDS : 447KT.

7. Zhang Zhonghua, Zhang Juan, Peng Jigen. A bacteria-immunity system with delayed quorum sensing. J. Appl. Math & Comput. 40 (2009): 414-420. Accession number: 20091612031077.

8. Zhou Xueyong, Shi Xiangyun, Zhang Zhonghua, Song Xinyu. Dynamical behavior of a virus dynamics model with CTL immune response. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 213 (2009) :329-347. Accession number: 20092212096435. IDS : 448OK

9. Suo Yaohong, Zhang Zhonghua. Interaction of random wave-current over uneven and porus bottoms. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2009(11):1552-1558. Accession number:20093012210353. IDS:483SE.

10徐文雄,张仲华.年龄结构SIR流行病数学模型渐近分析,西安交通大学报,2003,37(10): 1086-1089 . Accession number:04108052947.

11 Zhang Juan,Zhang Zhonghua,Suo Yaohong. Hopf Bifurcation of a Bacteria-Immunity System with Delayed Quorum Sensing. Applied Mathematics and Computation.2010(215):3936-3949.Accession number:20100212620954, IDS : 541SN

12 Zhang Zhonghua, Wu Jianhua, Suo Yaohong, Zhang Juan. Hopf Bifurcation Direction of a Delayed Bacteria-immunity System with Quorum Sensing Mechanism. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application.2010(11):2422-2435. Accession number:20103413171029, IDS:620TY.

13 Zhang Zhonghua, Suo Yaohong. Qualitative Analysis of a SIR Epidemic Model with Saturated Treatment Rate, J. Appl. Math. Comput.34(1-2):177-194.Accession number:20103813238558.

14 Zhang Zhonghua, Wu Jianhua, Suo Yaohong. Estimation of the Domain of Attraction in a SIRS Epidemic Model with Bilinear Incidence. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2011,doi:10.1016/j.matcom.2010.08.012. SCI源期刊.

15 张仲华.具一般非线性隔离函数和接触率的染病年龄SIRS模型平衡点的存在性及稳定性.高校应用数学学报. 2011, 26(1): 46-54.



1、陕西教育厅专项基金, 2万,No.09JK601,主持人.

